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Let’s bring your science to life!

You're a scientist. You're passionate about sharing your discoveries with the world. You understand that research is done best when it's available to everyone. You just need to be equipped with the right tools and training for sharing your work.

That's where The Pitch Lab comes in.

I’m here to help you share your research online, so that you can focus on what really matters: doing great science!


I’m continually updating my library of resources to help you stay organised both inside & outside the laboratory!

Pitch Profiles

I’m looking for some out of this world scientists and science communicators to feature in the Pitch Profiles series

Online Training

I’m currently developing online training programs to help scientists turn their research into a story with impact for sharing online

Watch this space as more updates are coming soon….

The Pitch Lab


The Pitch Lab


The Pitch Lab


The Pitch Lab


The Pitch Lab πŸ”¬ The Pitch Lab πŸ§ͺ The Pitch Lab πŸ”­ The Pitch Lab 🧬

Lab groups should be about bringing scientists together to provide mutual support and advice to one another. It’s through collaboration, innovation and inclusivity that researchers perform truly amazing science.

I’m building an online space for scientists and science communicators alike to find resources, share insights, and get inspired. I want to use this platform to foster a real sense of community and provide tangible support to the members of my virtual lab group.

The Pitch Lab newsletter gives my subscribers direct updates about my resources (plus exclusive discounts and early access to new resources), science communication opportunities, new blog posts, Pitch Science news, and more!

And don’t forget to follow Pitch Science to get free science communication tips and tricks straight to your feed…