Researcher Organisation Notion Template


Organisational template to help researchers keep track of their grant applications, in progress papers, publications, student supervision, overall research careers and more!

Comprised of multiple related Notion databases that form a comprehensive and interlinking system to organise all of your research commitments.

Primarily suitable for post-doctoral researchers, early- to mid-career researchers, staff scientists, and other post-PhD scientists.

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The template is comprised of a core dashboard that links off to all of the various databases. This central hub has easy access buttons for routine tasks, like adding tasks, meeting notes, and new papers to read, and a place for links to your researcher profiles and staff portal. The dash also contains multiple views of your task list, including two calendar views and multiple filtered to do lists. Individual tasks can be prioritised and linked to specific grants, papers, protocols, and lab members.

All information within the system, such as your grants and papers, are organised under larger overarching research projects. There are also overview pages for important aspects of your work, including grant applications, papers, and students being supervised.

Page templates are included for meeting and seminar notes, literature notes, protocols, supervised students, in progress papers, and grant applications. These page templates will be automatically used when creating new pages within these databases. Inside the page templates are additional new databases and filtered views of existing databases, all designed to help you stay on top of your research and link all of the relevant information. For example, when a lab member is linked to a task that is also associated with a specific paper, their name and the linked tasks will show in that paper’s subpage to help you formulate a fair and accurate author list at the publication stage.

The template also includes a career opportunities database and a professional contacts CRM, as well as my instructions on how to embed Altmetric badges into your Notion workspace for free to easily track the media coverage of your publications.

How It Works

The template is accessed through a PDF document containing the link to the Notion database, as well as a walk-through of how the template works. This file will be available for immediate download on the Order Confirmation page. You will also be sent an email shortly after purchase containing a link to the file. This link will expire 24 hours after purchase, but if you click an expired link you will automatically be sent a new working link to the same email address.

When you click the link within the PDF to access the template, you then just need to click the Duplicate button in the upper right corner of the template to add it to your own Notion workspace.

Important To Note

This template is for personal use only. You cannot resell this template, or slightly modify and then resell. Due to the nature of digital products, I cannot accept refunds. No physical product will be sent to you. If you have any concerns or queries, please contact us at

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